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Dear Friends,
As we mark this year's Sam Spiegel International Film Lab, we do so under the very difficult shadow of war, and in constant pain and anguish for our brothers and sisters who remain hostage in Gaza.
Yet, it is precisely in the face of these difficult challenges that we come together in our eternal capital Jerusalem. Throughout the history of this ancient and inspiring city, it has
been a source of innovation and creativity through which we have derived - and continue
to derive - so much strength and resilience.
It is in this spirit of determination, and dedication to the arts, that I extend my thanks to all the organizers and leaders, from Israel and around the world, I wish you all much success for this very special event, and share with you the hope that we will continue to come together in much happier times ahead.

Warmest regards,
Moshe Lion

Mayor of Jerusalem

The Beracha Foundation takes pride in our long-standing partnership with the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab. The Lab has grown to be one of the leading platforms for young filmmakers to showcase their creativity and amplify their voices.
In the past year, we have witnessed two major events that have fundamentally shaken Israeli society. The first is the judicial coup in Israel, which challenges the basic foundations on which the state relies. The second is the horrifying events that occurred on October 7 and have continued to impact us since that day. At the Beracha Foundation, we believe that free art and high-quality film creation are important foundations for Israeli democracy that can also help in healing Israeli society from the difficult events and crises it is experiencing.
May the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab continue to be a haven for creative minds, fostering a vibrant and thriving global film community. We are confident that this cohort will leave a significant mark on the cinematic landscape.
The Beracha Foundation remains committed to supporting groundbreaking programs in the fields of culture and arts in Israel as the “additional soul” of our society. We wish you success and many more remarkable achievements.

Ariel Dloomy
Beracha Foundation Director

Ariel Dloomy
Director Beracha Foundation

The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel) highly values the opportunity for young artists
from diverse backgrounds to share their genuine and distinct perspectives, shaped by their unique
life journey and the challenges they encounter. In these trying times, we are honored to support
the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab, which nurtures and inspires young filmmakers beginning
their professional careers .
Building on our 140-year-old tradition of philanthropy, the Foundation upholds the Rothschild

family’s enduring dedication to the pioneering spirit of the State of Israel by investing in change-
makers and encouraging its new pioneers. In this spirit, we actively seek opportunities to

empower the country’s young people, particularly those in the social periphery, to realize their
potential and contribute to advancing equal opportunity and inclusion within our society .
Our collaboration with the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School is an integral part of the
Foundation’s activities in the field of arts. We view cinema as a crucial tool for cultural expression
and promoting social dialogue, and believe that supporting young creators is an investment in
Israel's cultural future .
The Foundation’s donations over the past decade, exceeding NIS 1 billion, were channeled to
support deep processes of social change, aiming to foster excellence, diversity, and leadership
through higher education. We maintain this commitment today, firmly believing in the power of
art to connect, heal, and drive positive change.
In the current period of national and societal turmoil, we see special importance in supporting
creativity and the arts, including cinema — a powerful tool for conveying ideas, processing
experiences, and bridging cultures. We believe that the voices of young creators are more vital
than ever especially during difficult periods .
We congratulate the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School for this exceptional project and wish
the young film makers success and joy in their work. May your creations bring light, hope, and
understanding in these days of challenge .

Tal Sagi Faran, Adv.
Managing Director
Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)

Tal Sagi Faran
Managing Director, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (Israel)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This year marks the twelfth year of the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab which has become an internationally renowned entity with a significant stake in the advancement and development of promising filmmakers from Israel and the world.
Across the globe, first-time features continue to amaze in their success as they lead the way for international cinema – films that tell original, inspirational stories with energy and groundbreaking artistry. The Sam Spiegel International Film Lab is a remarkable and significant breeding ground for these films – and more so, for filmmakers who are declaring that the art of cinema has a promising future.
Despite the challenges posed by the current war, this year, we will come together and endeavor to chart a new course for the future through the medium of film.
We are eager to witness the creativity and ingenuity that will surface from this year's Lab, and we are confident that the future of cinema is in capable hands with the talented individuals who participate.
At the Israel Film Fund, we are proud to continue our support of the prestigious Sam Spiegel International Film Lab. We wholeheartedly welcome the filmmakers of tomorrow and extend our gratitude to the incredible team behind the Lab for their dedication and hard work in bringing this initiative to life.

Dr Noa Regev,
CEO of the Israel Film Fund

Dr. Noa Regev
CEO of the Israel Film Fund

Welcome Dear Filmmakers,

Your project was selected, amongst many worthy scripts, to take part in this quality professional lab that offers excellent expert guidance.

This is the 12th year of the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab which supports the development of groundbreaking Israeli and international films. This is an investment which greatly enriches the projects as well as the participants.
We are living through a challenging time where Israel is at war. Especially now, in the face of events and antisemitic instances in the world of culture – including cancellations and boycotts, the recognition by this excellent Lab in Jerusalem of your project and your ability to tell your story, is enough to strengthen the living and creative spirit in Israel.
Here at the Israel Film Council, we support filmmaking by affording more public access, by nurturing filmmakers and encouraging students. We are delighted to support the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School and assist in training the next promising generation of Israeli filmmakers.
This is a wonderful opportunity to thank the great School and Lab staff under the leadership of executive director Dana Blankstein Cohen for their devoted and professional work.

Much luck as you continue your journey,

Dr. Aliza Lavie
Chairwoman Israel Film Council

Dr. Aliza Lavie
Chairwoman Israel Film Council

Dear Friends,

It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to the final session of the Sam Spiegel International Film Lab. This year is one of the most difficult realities we are all facing, and the astounding strength our community displays every day. Since October 7th, we have found ourselves reimagining and defining our role as filmmakers – and even more about our creative responsibility in times of crisis.
11 outstanding projects have been working hard over the past months to bring forth stories that matter. I believe that the role of creative people in society is to pave the way, to be ahead of the curve, and to ask the hardest questions, especially when little is the consensus.
Our supporters share our belief in the power of film to generate change. We are truly blessed to have the Beracha Foundation as our partners. They have supported the Lab from day one and we do not take that for granted. Thank you to Ariel Dloomy, General Director. I also want to thank the Rothschild Foundation, Eli Buch; Tal Sagi Faran; Iris Nitzani Avivi. The Israel Film Fund, Dr Noa Regev, CEO; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs; The Embassy of Hungary in Israel; The French embassy and French Institute; Carol Polakoff; our constant supporters the Sam Spiegel Estate; and the Sam Spiegel board of directors – Asaf Vitman, chair.
Thanks to the hard and consistent work of the Lab's director, Mor Eldar, and her amazing team, we are all able to build bridges between Jerusalem and our community all around the world and celebrate this incredible achievement. I appreciate each and every one who took part and shares common language and love for cinema. It goes without saying that making of this event despite all the difficulties, emphasis the importance of maintaining an open dialogue especially in our region. In these fraught times, it gives me a lot of hope to continue to support our community – and to continue to believe in the power of storytellers.
Thank you all for being with us.

Dana Blankstein Cohen
Executive Director, Sam Spiegel Film and Television School

Dana Blankstein Cohen
Executive Director of the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School

JSFL Community- Partners, Mentors, Participants, Jury members, Guests.
It is a great privilege to be hosting our creative community in Jerusalem, and online.
In these challenging days, full of ever-changing realities, in Israel and abroad, to continue the artistic process is a ray of light. A reminder of humanity, through the importance of storytelling. Giving a channel of development and creativity to new emerging voices, and by that, empowering their process and keeping their freedom of speech, becomes a crucial duty.
The 11 voices and stories that are part of the 12th edition of the lab reflect the complexity and diverse world we’re part of. Personal stories and inspirations come together to show the world the present era in time. I am excited that the JSFL had the privilege of nurturing these talents and amazing works of art during these complex times.
Thanks to the partners of the JSFL Film Lab who continue to make storytelling a priority.
Thanks to the creative minds- mentors, guest filmmakers and film personnel, who inspire and guide the development process.
Thanks to the pitching session jury members on site and decision makers online- who will support these new, thought-provoking projects as they transition into films.
Finally- Thanks to our participants for being part of the JSFL journey!

Mor Eldar
JSFL Director

Mor Eldar
JSFL Director


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