The Sam Spiegel Series Lab is a creative bridge between Israeli talent in the field of scripted series, and the international TV industry, assisting in voicing the diverse and unique stories of our region through project development, with leading editors and preparing a pitch deck. Our mission is not only to educate future generations of Israeli filmmakers, but to ensure a strong local industry.
The Series Lab is open to outstanding Israeli creators making their initial steps in the world of international TV. The Lab is seeking teams of producers and writers who are developing a promising scripted project- either series or limited series.
Diversity is at the heart of the program, with creatives whose first language is Arabic, Amharic, Russian, Yiddish, and Hebrew are all strongly encouraged to apply. Creatives with projects originally written in these languages are eligible. The Series Lab will promote the development of the selected projects through mentorship and artistic guidance by some of the leading figures in Israeli and world television. The participants will advance from proposal to mini bible + outline for a pilot episode, professional graphic pitch deck, and verbal pitch preparation for the event that will end the Series Lab.
The Series Lab is constructed of 3 sessions. Two sessions (one physical and one online) will include intensive one-on-one mentorships, group masterclasses, personal writing time in a supportive environment with the mentors, both Israeli and international. The third session is held with a view to exposing the projects and the creators to key figures in the Israeli and international television industry.
In between sessions, participants will progress with personal meetings with mentors as well as making headway with their graphic pitch deck. Each project will benefit from the art direction of Elad Sonego and receive graphic assistance in preparing their final pitch deck, courtesy of Ananey Studios and the Lab.
Participants will receive guidance of a professional verbal pitch.
Selection criteria will include proposal overall quality and originality, feasibility, as well as creators’ profile and team. The Lab will be looking to highlight projects bringing an authentic local voice, in the belief that an honest, unique story can resonate internationally regardless of language and cultural differences.
As part of the program, one exceptional project will win the Series Development Award. The award will provide a stipend to allow creatives to concentrate on developing their project. The award recipient will be announced at the closing session, where projects will be revealed to industry players.
The Series Lab continues the rich experience gained from the successful Sam Spiegel International Film Lab. The Series Lab allows Israeli creators, who in the past few years have brought to the world groundbreaking series, both art and entertainment- to continue to make a meaningful mark and aims to construct a creative bridge between Israeli talent in the field of scripted series and the international TV industry assisting in voicing the diverse and unique stories of our region. The Series Lab takes place in Jerusalem and will culminate in a celebratory closing event.